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Here are a few books that we have found that
offer tips for self-improvement in a delightful manner!


Simple Abundance:
  by Sarah Ban Breathnach

Excerpt from the cover of the book:
....a book of 366 evocative essays - one for every day of your year - written for women who wish to live by their own lights.
    In the past a woman's spirituality has been separated from her lifestyle. Simple Abundance shows you how your daily life can be an expression of your authentic self . . . as you choose the tastiest vegetables from your garden, search for treasures at flea markets, establish a sacred space in your home for meditation, and follow the rhythm of the seasons and the year. Here, for the first time, the mystical alchemy of style and Spirit is celebrated. Every day, your own true path leads you to a happier, more fulfilling and contented way of life - the state of grace known as . . . Simple Abundance      
Other books by Sarah Ban Breathnach
  Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude 
  The Simple Abundance Companion


Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
  by John Gray, Ph.D.

Excerpt from the cover of the book:
    Popular marriage counselor and seminar leader John Gray provides a unique, practical and proven way for men and women to communicate and relate better by acknowledging the differences between them.
.... Gray shows how men and women react differently in conversation and how their relationships are affected by male intimacy cycles ("get close", "back off"), and female self-esteem fluctuations ("I'm okay", "I'm not okay"). He encourages readers to accept the other gender's particular way of expressing love, and helps men and women learn how to fulfill each other's emotional needs.
    With practical suggestions on how to reduce conflict, crucial information on how to interpret a partner's behavior and methods for preventing emotional "trash from the past" from invading new relationships, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is a valuable tool for couples who want to develop deeper and more satisfying relationships with their partners.
Dr. Gray has several other 'companion' books.


Self Matters
Creating Your Life From the Inside Out
  by Phillip C. McGraw

Excerpt from the cover of the book:
    Your life has a root core that, once understood, unlocks a powerful force to create your life the way it was meant to be, the way you want and need it to be. Key questions and an amazingly clear "map" are now at your fingertips to begin your journey to "Live by Design." These are questions that, with the help of this book, you can answer and bring into action-oriented focus:
  • What are the ten most defining moments of your life?
  • What are the seven most critical choices you have made to put you on your current path?
  • Who are the five most pivotal people in your world and how have they shaped you?

    Identifying and working with these key elements are at the heart of Dr. Phillip C. McGraw's latest work, Self Matters, and soon they will be at the heart of your own new work: you.

Other books by Dr. Phil:
  Life Strategies:
  Doing What Works, Doing What Matters
  Dr. Phil Getting Real:
  Lessons in Life, Marriage, and Family
  Relationship Rescue:
  A Seven-Step Strategy for Reconnecting with Your Partner