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Family Relationships

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Have you ever found yourself wondering, "Just exactly what relation is that person to me?"   You know - first cousin, second cousin, first cousin-twice removed!  Maybe this will help...

The relationship
within the family
Your Mother / Father
Brothers / Sisters
Your Aunt / Uncle
You (Amber)
First Cousins
Their daughter - Amie
First Cousins - twice removed
Amie's child - Barry
First Cousins - thrice removed
Barry's child - Cellia
Your child (Brian)
Second cousins
Second Cousins - twice removed
Second cousin - thrice removed
Cellia's child - Dean
Your grand-child (Cora)
Third Cousins
Third Cousins - twice removed
Third Cousins - thrice removed
Dean's child - Esther
Sister / Brother
Sister / Brother
Niece / Nephew
Sister or Brother's child
Grand Niece / Nephew
Sister or Brother's grand-child
Great Grand Niece / Nephew
Sis or Bro's great-grand-child